Learn how to get men to really step up… or step off!

SNEAK PEEK: To support you in your next exciting Manhandling adventure, I’m launching a brand new love-life saving course….

Okay, you asked for it, and I listened. DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 is finally here, and it’s going to knock your stockings off. This class is for the active dater who’s flirting in the field or online and is ready to get to the next level of love. DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 will show you how to move from casual courtship to committed relationships. You’ll learn about my breakthrough “man-manifesting” process, and learn healthy manhandling techniques (ie relationship skills) that successful men RESPOND to.

When women graduate from my courses, they often face a new problem…what to do with all of this newfound male attention?! Some of you have launched yourselves online, others of you have become such powerful Man Magnets that you’ve gotten “flocked” with a group of romantic hopefuls.

You can jump into this course if you’re actively dating or even if you’re not, but really want to be! But you don’t want to keep dating forever, right? You want to FIND a lovebird. You might even be in a monogamous relationship but still feel a chilly draft on your left hand … (An engagement ring!) That’s why you need to know the Romantic Rules and Manhandling Techniques that will allow you to turn your busy dance card into a wedding invitation. DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 will show you how to go from flirting to seriously dating, and how to do partnership potential tests so you’ll stop wasting your time on what I call the 70% suitors. (You know, the guys who ultimately waste your time because they’re not really the right guy?) It’ll teach you how to navigate early-phase dating, and give you the secrets that turn casual early-stage courtships into commitments, just like my client Linda just did! Here’s the amazing romantic report she sent me…

(Now that’s what I call a quality problem!)

You can jump into this course if you’re actively dating or even if you’re not, but really want to be! But you don’t want to keep dating forever, right? You want to FIND a lovebird. You might even be in a monogamous relationship but still feel a chilly draft on your left hand … (An engagement ring!) That’s why you need to know the Romantic Rules and Manhandling Techniques that will allow you to turn your busy dance card into a wedding invitation.

DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 will show you how to go from flirting to seriously dating, and how to do partnership potential tests so you’ll stop wasting your time on what I call the 70% suitors. (You know, the guys who ultimately waste your time because they’re not really the right guy?)

It’ll teach you how to navigate early-phase dating, and give you the secrets that turn casual early-stage courtships into commitments, just like my client Linda just did! Here’s the amazing romantic report she sent me…

Working with Lauren is like hanging out with a friend… but this friend has all the right answers about dating, men and relationships. I am now ‘flocked’ by handsome, genuine, interesting men and dating more than I had ever imagined. It’s remarkable what a personal transformation Lauren and her team of professionals facilitate through their thoughtful work and personal attention. Lauren gives a girl the skills and confidence to attract men as well as the tools to distinguish which ones are keepers and which ones to let fly away. The woman is MANtastic!

- Ariane

Linda asked me to use just her first name in her testimonial because her new husband’s the head of a Fortune 500 company (and doesn’t know she has a love coach!) But her story is powerful because Linda is in her early 50s, had NEVER been married before, and was completely single for YEARS before we started working together. And while her betrothal might seem super fast, her romantic results are NOT unusual, or even the exception, for my students. Once you get the right INFORMATION under your garter belt and know the right ACTIONS to make your romantic dreams a loving REALITY, you’ll have your very own lovebird, too!

– Linda

So if you’re dating a little, or your phone is ringing off the hook, my new 6-part podcast series DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 will teach you:

  • How to spot “buying signs” that he’s serious about dating you.
  • Relationship Negotiation Skills to go from dating to commitment.
  • How to rate his “Courtship Performance.”
  • How long to give your dates a “chance” when you’re not sure if there’s chemistry or a connection.
  • How to spot when men are seriously pursuing the relationship.
  • How to not get boxed in by one suitor until you’re SURE about him.
  • How to inspire men to commit to you and your relationship goals.
  • How to put men in a pecking order without ruffling their feathers
  • How to tell when it’s appropriate to get sexual with suitors and take your romantic research “undercover!”
  • How to tell when men are in “buying mode” with you romantically, and when they’re falling in love with you.
  • How to keep your freedom to keep shopping for The One when you’re just having fun.
  • How to turn a serious dating relationship into a serious commitment.
  • How to get men to Step Up and Commit to you and the relationship, or step off.
  • How to tell if he’s a player who will only disappoint you down the road.
  • How to stay committed to your romantic roadmap and MANifest it.
  • How to tell when he’s ready to get serious about you…
  • And so much more!

Linda asked me to use just her first name in her testimonial because her new husband’s the head of a Fortune 500 company (and doesn’t know she has a love coach!)

But her story is powerful because Linda is in her early 50s, had NEVER been married before, and was completely single for YEARS before we started working together. And while her betrothal might seem super fast, her romantic results are NOT unusual, or even the exception, for my students. Once you get the right INFORMATION under your garter belt and know the right ACTIONS to make your romantic dreams a loving REALITY, you’ll have your very own lovebird, too!

Course Now Available!

If you prefer to register by phone,
 please call us at 323.651.2421,
and we will be happy to assist you.

How Dating Lovebirds Work

DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 is a 6-part podcast series designed to keep the momentum going for the graduates of Romantic Reboot and Cyberflirt! These podcasts will take you to the next level of love and keep you firmly on the path to achieving real romantic fulfillment, and will show you how to turn COURTSHIP into COMMITMENT. You’ll get the EXACT same dating and relationship coaching that’s helped so many of my private clients go from seriously single to blissfully married.

DATING LOVEBIRDS will teach you how to effectively do Romantic Research with the lovebirds that you might be casually dating, or even going steady with. You’ll learn how to check for relationship compatibility, master (sexy and FUN) negotiation techniques to turn them into passionate and powerful partnerships, and teach you the SECRET to turning courtships into “Legendary Love Affairs that lasts.” Sound fun? If you’re ready for love, then here are the deets:

DATING LOVEBIRDS’s Sweet Treats...

More LOVE-LIFE-saving topics that DATING LOVEBIRDS 101 will cover:

  • How to put your suitors into the proper Pecking Order. (And how to date more than one man at a time without creating a cockfight!)
  • Learning how to rate male courtship performance with accuracy.
  • Flirtatious Field Maneuvers and man-magnetizing techniques to use on dates with truly heart-pounding handsome suitors.
  • How to “Get Flocked” in your physical space, and CYBERSPACE.
  • Man Management, and how to handle an abundance of new found male attention.
  • Why chivalry is NOT DEAD and how to get men to compete for your attention.
  • How to inspire a predatory chase that will make him feel like a hero and make you feel like you’re the Queen of his heart.
  • How to work with men’s natural dating rhythms and not fight against them.
  • How to talk about exclusivity.
  • The Art of the Cocktease & Keeping your Thong ON. How to set sexual boundaries.
  • How to UNHEX your heart from the past and put to rest any unhappy memories that are subconsciously blocking you from receiving love.
  • How to check your compatibility coordinates to make sure you’re not wasting your time.
  • My “magic moment” technique that creates a profound heart connection from Date One.
  • Understanding male body language so you can hear what he’s NOT saying.
  • What your dating “job description” really is after the first date. And what it definitely is NOT.
  • How to do a successful Man Selection and screen out TIME WASTERS.
  • How to get rid of Mr. Wrong (And quickly move on!).
  • Wound Work Workshop to resolve negative feelings and fears from your past, so it doesn’t keep impacting your present.
  • How to create a Legendary Love Affair that lasts forever.
  • How to spot red flags: Thought he was great on the first date, but now, not so much?
  • How to Flirt on 2nd and 3rd dates!
  • Email interpretation.
  • Male Calling Patterns.
  • Male Courtship Patterns.
  • Male Breeding Displays. What is he THINKING?
  • How to create irresistible sexual chemistry with your lovebird.
  • Targeted Manhunts with your girlfriends!
  • Ongoing CYBERFLIRT support, and when it’s time to switch sites, block men, or moving things to the next level with an online flirtation.
  • How to speak a man’s Love Language.
  • How to discover your man’s Mission.
  • How to move from Casual to Committed.

You’ve made a great beginning, and I’m committed to giving you the support you’ll need to get to the altar (and beyond)! Here’s to getting into action, keeping the MOMENTUM going, staying accountable, and finding your LOVEBIRD. And if you have single gal pals, you can share this invite and spread the love. Cupid is watching!

NOTE TO SELF: Get sponsored by an airline so I can attend all of your weddings!

Lauren – I am at your feet! This is from my baby, my love, my future husband… “To My Queen, Ever felt a smile across your face when that special someone breezes by you? You start missing her like you haven’t seen her in ages when actually you just said goodbye… You can’t stop smiling when she is around. You are happy and joyful. I just want to say that I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with. You are simply the best. I love and adore you. I can’t wait to marry you. I will love you all of the days of your life. Love, King Ralph!”

– Janice Goldman Picker

Her online courses are pure gold.

– The Sunday Independent

I had been involved in an on/off relationship for 3 years with a man who couldn’t make a commitment of marriage – or even come close to it! Now, thanks to Lauren’s great advice and guidance I’m dating 6 (yes – six!) new men after the final breakup with my commitment-phobic male. (If only he knew…) and I am sticking to the Romantic Researchers Oath: To fly at the apex of a flock of suitors, until one of them tells me that he’s The One, and I truly know it in my heart, too! Thanks so much Lauren. Many blessings to you!

– Brenda D.

I’d been basically a hermit for 13 years. I’m now 58 years old, and was living a nun’s life that really had nothing to do with men. Then I started working with Lauren, and most amazing thing has happened to my life, because men buzz around me now. It’s incredible, and it happened right after the man magnet makeover I did with her. … I’m now in love with this incredible man, and he’s madly in love with ME. He is warm and honest. We have so much fun, (and have fabulous sex!) I’ve never felt like I’ve received true love before now. It’s so mind-boggling how all this happened, but it has, and it’s thanks to you, Lauren!

– Terry F.

My confidence level and my overall understanding of the male species is on a completely different level. … The support that I’ve gotten from you Lauren, being a part of this process, knowing that I’ve got high-level support, and have somewhere to go to get real answers, and somebody to help me see my blind spots, is amazing. Lauren and I were talking last week and she said, “You’re finally not traumatized.” And it’s true. I feel like I’ve finally healed those old wounds.

– Cassie M.

Lauren Frances Love

Dating Lovebirds 101 Podcast Program | Full Pay


The Dating Lovebirds Podcast Program will show you how to go from ‘casual dating’ into a ‘committed courtship’ in 6 ninety-minute downloadable podcasts.

You’ll also receive online course materials & homework, access to our FB community, and more!

This Podcast Program is yours INSTANTLY, and easily uploaded to your iPod, iPad, or computer.

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