I’d love to help you create a bodice ripping love life!
Join my upcoming weekend workshops, live tele-seminars & downloadable programs, or request info about targeted love coaching with me, here….
Are you confused about why you’re still single?
You date a lot, but no one seems to fit. Or you can’t figure out how to get him to step up and commit? Or you’ve stopped dating altogether because you’re tired of being disappointed.
Most women want to have meaningful romantic relationships and will often work very hard to achieve their romantic goals. That’s why it’s so painful when they don’t find the love that they seek. If you aren’t winding up with the results that you want no matter how hard you try, it’s probably because your relationship tools, habits, and behaviors (or manhandling skills) are out of date.
It’s not your fault!
Our culture’s dating environment is dramatically different from courtship behaviors from even five years ago, and that’s why those ‘rules’ aren’t as effective today.
If you’re experiencing romantic frustration or have hit a roadblock to your happiness and fulfillment, private love coaching can get you back on track immediately. You will get a diagnosis of your romantic problem and a Love Rx complete with clear, doable steps. One that’s designed to get you out of the woods so you can truly fulfill your relationship destiny…
Lauren Frances is so loving, she’s like a fairy godmother – if fairy godmothers were interested in finding you exactly the right prince for you, and not the other way around.
– Mishna Wolff

Lauren Frances helped me to take the necessary steps to find true happiness in my relationship. Whether those steps are to end a relationship or taking your existing relationship to a new level, Lauren Frances can take you there.
– Slade Smiley, Real Housewives of Orange County

Private Love Coaching
If you haven’t dated in forever, or are out every night but aren’t finding The One, you need to get a new Man Plan. Singles coaching will teach you how to flirt, inspire deep attraction and romance, and send the right signals to attract the right mate. You will also learn what blind spots have been keeping you unhappy and how to tell if he’s “the one” from date one. You’ll also get guidelines for texting, social networking sites, what you should expect from men in early courtship, how to handle dating more than one man at a time, and when to commit to exclusivity.
Relationship Coaching
Relationship coaching will teach you how to inspire commitment, communicate effectively, and define and achieve your real relationship goals. You may be in a “problem” relationship that is unhealthy or emotionally draining and feels like a lot of work. Relationship coaching will give you proactive ways to resolve conflict, open clear communication, and propel you in the direction of your goals.
Couples Counseling
Couples counseling will give you tools to resolve conflict and misunderstanding, and real communication techniques that inspire love. You’ll get clear feedback and doable tools to quickly restore goodwill, inspire loving connection, and rekindle that magic spark, along with an effective game plan to take your relationship to the next level.
Love Magnet Makeovers
Your Mission: Become An Irresistible Love Magnet Online! Join Lauren Frances and her expert makeover team for an event that will literally transform your love life. Together we’ll create the romantic marketing tools (the right bait!) to attract your ideal mate online, in one glamorous, fun-filled weekend.

Teleclasses and Podcast Programs
Lauren has created fantastic Podcast Programs to give you all of the tools you need right at your fingertips, for every dating and relationship stage. They come with online materials and are easily uploaded to your computer, tablet, and iPod.
Cyberflirt! Online Dating Podcasts
Online dating is overwhelming unless you’re smart about how you market yourself. Learn how to choose the right sites, get a personalized written profile that really reflects your personality and great photos that work. You will also learn how to read between the lines of his profile to pre-screen your suitor and transition virtual flirtations to fun first dates. Her highly effective Cyberflirt Podcast Programs will show you exactly how to create a heart-stopping online profile and how to navigate the online dating space safely and successfully.
If you are interested in Love Coaching, need support, or are wondering which of Lauren’s programs would best serve you, please contact us.
Let’s make your romantic dreams come true, and I’m here to give you all the romantic backup you need to make sure that they do!