The Love Magnet Makeover
By Lauren Frances
Miami, FL February 7th-9th, 2025
The Nobu Hotel
Los Angeles, CA April 5th-6th, 2025
The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
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Join us this January for 3 days of Pampering, Love & Luxury with me & my glam squad!
Ranked #1 Best Hotel in Miami 2022 by Travel + Leisure and Condé Nast Traveler!
Click here for your free
with Lauren Frances
Darling Gal,
Are you ready for an EPIC love life?
Good! Because the cavalry's coming, and you are going to LOVE what hundreds of graduates have called "a turbocharged rocketship to romance!
My Love Magnet Makeovers have bee featured on shows like The Doctors, Bravo and The Real and more, and the transformations and gorgeous love stories have helped women from every corner of the globe create happily-ever-after love lives.
This three-day outrageously fun romantic retreats are designed to transform you into the unique “love magnet” that “quality partners” are instantly drawn to, both online and offline.
If you've been online and just aren't finding the right partner, or the right men just aren't responding to you, its often just a matter of upleveling how you're presenting yourself, and engaging with men in the sometimes had to understand online medium.
It's hard be a superstar in Cyberspace!
Most people just aren’t experts at marketing themselves for romance!
(Even writers, therapists, clothing designers, and yes, even celebrities miss the target! When they step into the dating arena iit’s easy to become disappointed and frustrated when you don’t get the results that you want. Especially if you're super-effective at getting results in every other area of your life!
Give me 72 hours, and we'll transform your love life!

The Love Magnet Makeover Includes:
- An unforgettable three-day glamorous romantic retreat.
- Epic Makeup, Beauty and Styling Makeovers!
- Curated shopping events so you have a chic and camera ready dating wardrobe.
- The Love Magnet Photo Shoot! (5 different looks & you’ll receive the entire digital shoot)
- GNO- FUN V.I.P. dinners at hotspots in whatever city we’re in!
- Profile Writing for your dating apps & sites.
- The Dating Bootcamp (Our 4-week group “launch” after the magnet gives you my Cyberflirt Secrets & Effective and Fun Flirt Tips that work!
- Meeting a group of truly amazing women (who often become friends for life!)
Space is limited! Click the ribbon below to apply for the program …

"This is a Rocketship to Romance!"
Join us in Los Angeles for the Love Magnets and Manifest your best self - and right partner!
The process of launching yourself online is just like planning and creating an ‘ad campaign’ for love.
Man Fact: A picture says a thousand words. . . and it’s never been more true than in online dating! If men don’t feel that instant pull to swipe right – from your very first photo – you’ll never have the opportunity to connect, matter how beautifully you write, or how perfect you’d be for one another.
Sad Gal Fact: Most single women HATE online dating until they meet me! They’re used to getting swamped with unwanted male attention, or being mysteriously overlooked, and ignored. Or they just can’t find anyone worth dating!
If finding true love is a priority, you’re going to need some backup, some guidance, a stylist, and a secret weapon…
Space is limited! Click below to apply ...

Need a Makeover?
Don’t feel bad...
Celebrities need professional stylists too!
No celebrity goes to an awards show without high-level image support. Now, you don’t have to wander into cyberspace or on a first date without a fabulous support team either. This program will give you the opportunity to work one-on-one with my amazing team of beauty experts who do the EXACT SAME THING with superstars from your favorite TV shows, movies, and fashion magazines.
You’ll get access to the crème de la crème of the styling and fashion world. Our award-winning team of hairstylists, makeup artists, and photographers are regularly booked for the Emmys, Oscars, the Grammys, and are the secret go-to team for your favorite celebrities and yours truly! We’ll help you be your most riveting, alluring, and authentically beautiful self. You’ll get five different looks to post online, that will express a uniquely different aspect of your personality. And most importantly, we’ll make sure that you know EXACTLY how to recreate these ‘dating looks’ at home.
There is a formula to attracting high-quality male attention online that really WORKS.
While it’s true that there’s tons of competition out there and that attractive men have tons of “likes” blinking at them in their inboxes, there is a formula to getting male attention online that WORKS.
So, who breaks through, stands out, and captures attention? Who do high-quality men, the men that are really serious about finding real relationships online, choose to pursue?

Real “Secrets”: Who do successful men find the most “date-worthy”?
- Women who know what they’re looking for, and confidently share their ‘vision of love’ online, in a way that men find irresistible.
- Women who present themselves in a way that inspires an instant romantic ‘click' and an instant “swipe right!”
- Women who are authentic, confident, and feminine.
- Women whose profiles grab them by the collar, because they create a feeling of emotional connection.
You’ll get...
- Gorgeous online photos that really look like you!
- Pictures and dating profiles that tell a brand story, that is truly unique to you.
- You’ll get the confidence and unmistakable charisma, (that special IT factor) that exudes “I’m high value, and you need to be, too!”
- Men that formerly seemed out of reach, or to elude you will start pursuing you.
- You’ll become confident about ‘putting your best stiletto forward’ in cyberspace, (and wind up with the right fella, at your place ;)
(Seriously, just check out the testimonials.)

"It’s NEVER TOO LATE to find love again!"
By the time I reached 60, I already went through 4 divorces. I had lost faith that I would ever find love again. By that time, I came to believe I was better off being alone. I didn’t enjoy the idea or process of dating at such a late stage in my life. I truly believed that I'd “aged out” of finding love again!
So, I decided to ask for help. I needed to figure out what I wanted and the areas where I needed healing.
That’s when I met, Lauren Frances…. THE DATING COACH EXTRAORDINAIRE!
We worked together and that’s when my world changed. I learned what my limiting beliefs were about men and dating. I found out what my values were regarding relationships. … and the important traits I was looking for in a partner weren’t at all what I thought they were! I took amazing photographs!
So the ending of this story is that I found him! We met when I was 62 years old and he was 60! We found each other at a later stage in our lives. I’m here to tell you… IT’S NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU!
- Pirie Jones

Lauren is a man genius – seriously! She transformed my look, my wardrobe, and my life. Trust her because she knows what’s doing. If you are one of the fortunate few who get to experience her magic first-hand, count yourself lucky indeed. Because of her encouragement and vision I met my man in less than 2 months after the workshop! Not only is he beautiful and loving and kind, he thinks I am the most amazing and wonderful woman on earth. He tells me he’d marry me tomorrow if I’d say yes but for now we have agreed we plan to be PFL’s (partners for life…his term!). I signed up, changed my mind, tried to cancel, but Lauren convinced me it’s exactly what I needed… thank God she did!
- Robin L

Two years ago, Lauren came into my life at the most perfect time. I was casually dating the wrong men who were “in the meantime” guys. … I did the emotional clearing work she suggested and followed Lauren’s Man Plan. Then BANG! I met him. David and I had our first date the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Six months later, we were engaged and were married nine months after that. Today we have a beautiful little girl named Grace. I’m so grateful I took her advice. I shiver at the thought of ‘What if I hadn’t?’ Well, there would be no David and definitely…. no Grace in my life!
- Naz Kleiman

She took me from a disheveled moppet to a sultry beauty, from a woman sitting alone with her cats to dating fabulous men. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (And ManTrap perfume? To die for.)
- Gail

I had not been in a serious relationship in almost a decade. I was almost ready to put on a nun’s habit. Lauren changed all that! Shortly after working with Lauren I met my wonderful boyfriend who has opened my heart and made me realize I can’t live without LOVE!
- K.D.

Looking for love online, is like shopping for Prada on eBay.
That’s why any woman who’s serious about finding a lovebird needs to master online dating. My profile secret formula that will allow you to create coherent, authentic, and powerful online profiles, (which are really effective romantic marketing materials for all of your dating sites), and on all of your social media platforms like Facebook and Linked-in.
There is a formula to attracting high-quality male attention that really WORKS. When you have great photos and know exactly how to flirt online, this modern-day ‘matchmaking miracle’ can happen for you, too. You’ll be shocked at how quickly your romantic results will change with what my clients call “my magical man magnet profile.”
Heartstrings will open. Your romantic recognition and emotional credibility will skyrocket. Attractive men who are truly looking for love actually seek out hidden cues in women’s profiles, that inspire them to take action. They’re actually out there and looking for you. I’m going to make sure that they FIND you!
You’ll also learn…
- The right choice of dating sites and apps for you.
- How to manage search preferences and how to use apps to your romantic advantage!
- Mastery of cyberflirting etiquette and how to shut down unwanted sexting!
- Amazing ‘male profiling’ techniques.
- The secret male decoder - how to understand what he’s REALLY saying!
- Safety rules and techniques to protect your privacy.
- How to spot lovebirds online, and stop getting picked by Mr. Wrong.
- Surefire ‘transitioning techniques’ that move your flirtation offline.
- How to conduct ‘phone dates’ and screen men, before meeting them.
- Knowing how to handle every phase of online and offline courtship so you stay on the right track, towards romance!
You are truly the Michelangelo of love!
“I need a secretary for my inbox! The emails just keep coming in (30-60 a day) and hardly a dud in the lot. Ahhh, what’s a girl to do?Just to let you know, you are all that. Oh how you are sent from above!! I set up my Match account today and the world exploded. I have an avalanche of responses from Match including 3 doctors, 3 high powered/partnered attorneys, 2 CFOs of major companies and a couple of spiritual hotties. The comments were generally the highest accolades. Thanks for the online input!! My profile has caused the perfect storm.”
The reviews are in!
This intensive 6 month program is designed to deeply support your vision of love, and up-level your ability to truly achieve your romantic and relationship goals.
During this comprehensive ‘immersion’ program, you’ll get the 1:1 attention that most women need to radically change their love life. Over the course of the next 6 months, you’ll receive:
Check out these eLove Letters sent to my Love Magnets:
“You’ve described a romantic utopia that I’ve longed for, but thought unattainable. I can’t wait to meet you.”
“Yours is unlike any profile I’ve ever read… but then, that’s what you intended. You’ve got my full attention!”
“I don’t know which I prefer… the imagery of you in a jade sequined sheath or robed in red cashmere… decisions… decisions.”
“Whether this goes anywhere or not… you’ve rekindled hope in the heart of this incurable romantic. Good karma shall be upon you!”
“Well, I must admit, you had me with your smile. And then I read your profile… romantic, passionate, adventuresome, sense of humor… It only made you that much more alluring.”
“WOW… match sent you to me……and I rejoined for a month just to email you. You look and sound great — wonderful photos – Feel free to email me on my website or let me know how to get hold of you. Looking forward to hearing from you!”
“Yours was the only one that mesmerized…I have looked at 1000’s and yes, I mean thousands of profiles, and yours was the only one that mesmerized, fascinated and captivated all my attention.”
“Wide Awake! While slipping into unconsciousness in front of the computer, your wonderful writing has me wide awake. I especially liked this thought: ‘Legendary tour de force show stoppers only come around once in a lifetime and I await my partner for our debut in love’s spotlight!’”
“Your description says it all…So many people try to use too many words to describe an ideal that probably does not exist. Add passion and chemistry to the mix and you are on the right path to a match!”
“Although I am very new to this site, I have looked at enough profiles to sense uniqueness…The typical profile is cliche’ ridden and trite, while yours is brief and straight from the heart. Plus, you don’t have what seems to be a universal “laundry list” of traits that people are seeking in a match.”
“You have just described me and what I have been seeking–which is probably why I am still seeking that wonderful match–I have much to give.”
“I love what you’ve got to say…I enjoyed your profile tremendously! You express yourself very nicely and very precisely. Also, I have never encountered some one as beautiful, as charming and as photogenic as yourself. I love what you’ve got to say.”
“I loved your profile and I would love to get to know you more… I love your smile as well…”
And you can get these kinds of responses too! Here’s how…
Check out our Love Magnet Poster Girls!
Lisette's Man Magnet Makeover Testimonial
Liz's Man Magnet Makeover Testimonial
Man Magnet Testimonial - Celia
Man Magnet Testimonial - Wendy
You Just Need My Skill Set! And my Magic Wand …
If you give yourself permission to go for it, you can stop spinning your wheels, and discover how to make your romantic dreams, a reality. You can stop HOPING and start HAVING.
Remember: Even Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Snow White did a lot of footwork to find their fellas! They picked up after seven dwarves, swept the castle, and spun yards and yards of silk! They were exhausted. Becoming a Man Magnet is much more fun!
Here’s to honoring the romantic dream inside of you… Here’s to making your romantic dreams ACTUALIZE and MATERIALIZE. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Right is living or working within a 10-mile radius of you RIGHT NOW. Maybe he’s even wondering when he’s going to meet a fabulous woman like you, this very second. Maybe he’s waiting for you online, but you just haven’t popped on his radar yet. I’ll show you how to be irresistible to him, and make that happen. And I promise you this … he’ll be happy you did!