Testimonials & Love Stories
As one of her Romantic Researchers, I can tell you that Lauren’s Manhandling techniques are spot on! She truly has her finger on the pulse of male/female relationships.
– Kate Walsh, actress

Lauren Frances is so loving, she’s like a fairy godmother – if fairy godmothers were interested in finding you exactly the right prince for you, and not the other way around.
– Mishna Wolff

She’s saving romance, one page at a time!
– Mark Ruffalo, actor

I’ve followed every piece of advice Lauren’s given me. I suggest you do the same!
– Amy Brenneman, actress

Men, Lauren Frances has figured us out…and our gooses are cooked!
– Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons

Since last June when I had the brilliant idea to contact you for the Man Magnet in New York, my love life has changed entirely. My profile and my photos have been seen 6,588 times and I received so many emails and winks. I am dating sine July 2011 an average of 2 to 3 times a week and became very good (all because of your savvy coaching) at flirting, screening and selecting my dates. It make me feel empowered and in control of my love life (very good for my ego tooo…lol.)
– Brigitte, alias Silky Cheetah

I experienced a complete metamorphosis with Lauren and the other women who were part of our group. I truly wish that my words could adequately give justice to the incredible transformation that occurred during the Man Magnet Makeover weekend. Let me just say that it was an amazing three days filled with laughs, insight, bonding, tears and epiphanies!
– Janis Light, Man Magnet Makeover

Wow, no, I mean wow. No, I mean wow, wow, WOW. Like seriously, and I mean it. I love you Lauren.
– Natasha G., Man Magnet Makeover

Lauren has inspired me to stand up for love. She has worked with me since I met her in June 2011 seminar on unhex your heart and legendary love. She has coached me on handling dating situations. Lauren knows the key way to speak to men that inspires them to be our Knight. It's amazing but it works.
– Caroline, Man Magnet Makeover

She took me from a disheveled moppet to a sultry beauty, from a woman sitting alone with her cats to dating fabulous men. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (And ManTrap perfume? To die for.)
– Gail P., Man Magnet Makeover

Ladies! Lauren truly is the Man Whisperer!
– Madeleine Smithberg, Creator of The Daily Show

Your Man Magnet Makeover was an amazing experience on so many different levels. I came to you, a 66-year old widow of six years, locked in a time warp that was not serving me. You met the challenge with a power to be reckoned with starting out by turning my silver hair blond and converting my “safe” hair cut into a cute, sassy do. Then came the Spanx and sexy dresses I would have never considered wearing.
– Dianne

Initially, I was scared to get into [a new] relationship and did my best to sabotage it but at the advice of Lauren I gave it a chance and he has been the best gift God has ever given me. He is everything I have ever wanted and needed in a man and I am so thankful to have him in my life. The beautiful ring on my finger is a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness. Lauren was right… if I remained patient and didn’t settle, the right guy was out there.
– Lisa Jenkins

The Man Magnet weekend opened me up totally. It gave me an ease with myself and an ease with my body. Afterwards, I began wearing form-fitted clothing. It certainly was not the clothing, but the confidence and “owning it” that had me attract and hold onto Dale. He was the “hot stuff, bad boy” from high school (30 years ago). … My family can’t believe that their Manhattan Gal is being transformed into a Country Girl. It is amazing what love does to you.
– Laurie Grigg
My confidence level and my overall understanding of the male species is on a completely different level … The support that I’ve gotten from you Lauren, being a part of this process, knowing that I’ve got high-level support, and have somewhere to go to get real answers, and somebody to help me see my blind spots, is amazing. Lauren and I were talking last week and she said, “You’re finally not traumatized.” And it’s true. I feel like I’ve finally healed those old wounds.
– Cassie M., Designer
I had been involved in an on/off relationship for 3 years with a man who couldn’t make a commitment of marriage – or even come close to it! Now, thanks to Lauren’s great advice and guidance I’m dating 6 (yes – six!) new men after the final breakup with my commitment-phobic male. (If only he knew…) and I am sticking to the Romantic Researchers Oath: To fly at the apex of a flock of suitors, until one of them tells me that he’s The One, and I truly know it in my heart, too! Thanks so much Lauren. Many blessings to you!
– Brenda D., therapist
Two years ago, Lauren came into my life at the most perfect time. I was casually dating the wrong men who were “in the meantime” guys … I did the emotional clearing work she suggested and followed Lauren’s Man Plan. Then BANG! I met him. David and I had our first date the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Six months later, we were engaged and were married nine months after that. Today we have a beautiful little girl named Grace. I’m so grateful I took her advice. I shiver at the thought of ‘What if I hadn’t?’ Well, there would be no David and definitely … no Grace in my life!
– Naz Kleiman

Check out the ring! Thank u 4 being the most amazing love coach ever!
– Nanette
The Love Magnet Makeover
With Lauren – I’m discovering a new way of being with men.
– Hara,
The Ring & Legendary Love Programs
I can’t wait to have you learn her man-magnet techniques.
– Christian Carter, CatchHimAndKeepHim.com
Thank you, Lauren! I am blown over by your brilliant loving stand for epic, legendary true everlasting love … Thank you so much for standing for those of us who have all but given up! I found new hope that the dream can be achieved … now let’s hope I achieve it!
– Aurora Philips
Lauren is a man genius – seriously! She transformed my look, my wardrobe, and my life. Trust her because she knows what’s doing. If you are one of the fortunate few who get to experience her magic firsthand, count yourself lucky indeed. Because of her encouragement and vision I met my man in less than 2 months after the workshop! Not only is he beautiful and loving and kind, he thinks I am the most amazing and wonderful woman on earth. He tells me he’d marry me tomorrow if I’d say yes but for now we have agreed we plan to be PFL’s (partners for life…his term!). I signed up, changed my mind, tried to cancel, but Lauren convinced me it’s exactly what I needed… thank God she did!
– Robin L
Love Magnet Makeover Graduate

Hi Lauren, I bought your Cyberflirt-Reboot and Cyberflirt-Manhunt podcasts and it was probably the best investment I ever made in my life. I just wanted to thank you for this audios, because I am sure without those I never would have been able to write my profile for a dating website, which was quite successful even if I didn’t have the right photos for it. I am 67 years young and lost my long term partner 8 months ago and felt ready to take my life again in my own hands. One thing I learned in my life is “always listen to your intuition (or gut feelings or whatever it is called)” and so I follow my inner urge to go online on a certain dating website exactly 3 weeks ago. But I didn’t follow your advice just to watch first what happens. Did quite an extensive search and found in this sea of photos just one which appealed to me and his profile sounded just like a job application. As it turned out he was interested too and we share the same values, are on the same wave length and practice even the same kind of meditation (TM). And now it looks like we are starting a very fulfilling and happy relationship for both. I am off the dating website now for more than a week. I just want to thank you once more, because without your audios I would never have been brave enough to join a dating website and would not have been able to write a profile which made me appealing to this person.
– Thank you and kind regards from Down Under!
Just to let you know, you are all that. Oh how you are sent from above! I set up my Match account today and the world exploded. I have an avalanche of responses from Match. You are truly the Michelangelo of love! I need a secretary for my inbox! Thanks for the online input… My profile has caused the perfect storm.
– Emma S, Love Magnet Makeover Grad
Lauren has turned complete chaos into a ring on my finger. The precision with which she gets right away what’s going on is more than incredible. And the great thing is that she knows what to do about it. And what she says works. It is extremely reassuring and wonderful to learn about love from Lauren.
– Eva W., film editor
– Slade Smiley, Real Housewives of Orange County

You are quite amazing! our humor, as well as your honest, caring candor were refreshing in today’s jaded environment. Additionally, you brought real clarity to many of my “man issues” that had been overlooked in the past.
– Paula S., Romantic Reboot Graduate
Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said my love life would skyrocket into the 4th dimension! Thank you!!
– Kim A., Man Magnet Grad
I actually came into Lauren with a lot of trauma; really confused and kind of scared of men.And really had even forgotten how to communicate with them and understand what their actions meant. All of that is gone. I really get them now. I really understand how to protect myself, in a way, which has made it fun again. The real deal. All of it is extremely transformative because all the information is now instantly at my fingertips.
– Barbara Mayfield, Romantic Reboot Graduate
If there were a Nobel Peace Prize in the war between the sexes, Lauren Frances would win it hands down. Buy this book and you’ll NEVER be lonely again.
– Anne Beats, SNL writer

After your private coaching and Man Magnet Seminars, my phone’s been ringing off the hook! Before I found you I’d actually given up on dating men altogether. Watching all of my girlfriends get married and have families was painful because I felt so hopeless about my own love life. Working with you has been a Godsend! After your private coaching and Man Magnet Seminars, my phone’s been ringing off the hook! I’ve become the sexy, confident woman that I always dreamed I could be. You’ve changed my love life.
– Brooke M, Interior Designer
Thank you, Love Goddess! I never felt this safe, this calm, this HAPPY with a man before. After 2 failed marriages, I never thought I’d have this kind of love. You have taught me how to rise above my low expectations and create a vision of love worth living. And with a man whose really worth having.
– Charlene Watson
You’ve given us a brand new lease on our Love Life!
– Marci and Ben Sommers
We were on the brink of breaking up…This course has literally changed my life. I am so excited about my relationship and its renewed passion. We were on the brink of breaking up and thanks to this class, I finally took a stand for my “vision of love” with Mark, even though it was scary to do, and you were right. He totally rose to the occasion! I am blown away by what’s happening. I’m so RELAXED now that we have a deeper commitment, and we’re more in love than ever. You’re my Love Fairy!
– Marta in Manhattan
The women of the world are so fortunate that Lauren Frances has written her brilliant MANifesto! No longer do we need to wonder about anything male- this genius researcher has cracked all of their ‘codes’ and made their mysterious, wild ways no longer confusing. She’s like a Fairy Godmother and Einstein all rolled into one! And she couldn’t be more fun. If you follow her advice, not only will you get to “happily ever after,” you’ll have a rocking good time along the way…
– Carol Allen, Host of Enlightening Relationships
FGM! I’m shopping for wedding rings today…wanna come?
– Debbie M.
“Its like a romance novel series! Swoon vavoom!”
– Lisa, The Love Magnet Makeover

Working with Lauren is like hanging out with a friend … but this friend has all the right answers about dating, men and relationships. I am now ‘flocked’ by handsome, genuine, interesting men and dating more than I had ever imagined. It’s remarkable what a personal transformation Lauren and her team of professionals facilitate through their thoughtful work and personal attention. Lauren gives a girl the skills and confidence to attract men as well as the tools to distinguish which ones are keepers and which ones to let fly away. The woman is MANtastic!
– Ariane, Love Magnet Makeover

Lauren – I am at your feet! This is from my baby, my love, my future husband … “To My Queen, Ever felt a smile across your face when that special someone breezes by you? You start missing her like you haven’t seen her in ages when actually you just said goodbye … You can’t stop smiling when she is around. You are happy and joyful. I just want to say that I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with. You are simply the best. I love and adore you. I can’t wait to marry you. I will love you all of the days of your life. Love, King Ralph!”
– Janice Goldman Picker

I loved this program. Lauren, you are an incredible coach, and I have improved a great deal from your systems and methods. If you can imagine such a thing, I am a coach for people in manufacturing – a change agent who learned a LONG time ago I must concentrate on the people to make great changes happen for a company. I used Mind-maps to DRAW the path to identifying my heart wound and to DRAW my vision of love in the future. It was literally life-changing. I was clearly in need of an attitude adjustment, and I am so happy that I have done so and someday soon my romantic renaissance man will be happy I did too. Thank you. Lauren, you are an incredible coach, and I have improved a great deal from your systems and methods. If you can imagine such a thing, I am a coach for people in manufacturing – a change agent who learned a LONG time ago I must concentrate on the people to make great changes happen for a company. I used Mind-maps to DRAW the path to identifying my heart wound and to DRAW my vision of love in the future. It was literally life-changing. I was clearly in need of an attitude adjustment, and I am so happy that I have done so and someday soon my romantic renaissance man will be happy I did too. Thank you.
Wow, that was amazing! Thanks so much for being in the world and sharing this with us. I’ve had lots of therapy of different kinds, but nothing really boiled it down like this and put it so clearly! I’m looking forward to more…
– Karen Clark Dating Lovebirds 101
My Dear Lauren, thank you for turning me from living like a nun into the belle of the ball! You did a wonderful job helping me create and write my online profile. Now, I have a tiger by a tail! And I adore him. It was only possible because of you.
– Trudy M., Schoolteacher
I had not been in a serious relationship in almost a decade. I was almost ready to put on a nun’s habit. Lauren changed all that! Shortly after working with Lauren I met my wonderful boyfriend who has opened my heart and made me realize I can’t live without LOVE!
– K.D., Love Magnet Makevoer Graduate
I want to thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart, for this weekend. I am usually an extremely private person. The whole experience was like being completely cracked open. It is a true testimony of your depth as a person and the trust that you are capable of establishing within a group of women, that I would actually, unknowingly feel safe enough to just spontaneously become so vulnerable
– Jennifer B., Love Magnet Graduate!
Such a fun class! I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the great Man Magnet Makeover Weekend. It was enjoyable, jam packed with information and, for me, an eye (and glamour) opener. I already feel an internal breakthrough. I’m looking forward to manifesting that breakthrough (and more) in my Love Life. I look forward to more!
– Jen F., Man Magnet NYC
The Man Magnet Makeover Weekend was a transformational experience – in so many ways I came away with a renewed sense of confidence, excited and energized about reentering the dating world. Lauren’s expert makeover team did an amazing job in visually capturing the essence of each participant. And, with Lauren’s incredible guidance, we learned how to express those same essential qualities in words, through our online profiles and user names. If you’re looking for love, I can’t think of a better holiday gift to give yourself!
– Karen R, Love Magnet Graduate
Check out what the men are saying about my new profile: (profile went live the evening of 2/4/2010) I’ve gotten over 550 views in 4 days alone. I NEVER got feedback from men like the emails I’ve sent to you below, the last time I was online. Thank you Love Goddess!
– Nannete, Love Magnet Makeover Graduate
I was just blown away at Lauren’s talent: her ability to listen and understand with compassion and just see what is blocking women. Once she gives you advice, it comes from a space of wisdom, tremendous compassion and deep love. That is such a gift that Lauren has to offer to women. Tremendous transformation happens because they are being allowed to open up, connect to their heart and share what is blocking them for being who they truly are: beautiful, amazing goddesses that deserved to be loved, adored and cherished.
– Yana Good

I’d been basically a hermit for 13 years. I’m now 58 years old, and was living a nun’s life that really had nothing to do with men. Then I started working with Lauren, and the most amazing thing has happened to my life, because men buzz around me now. It’s incredible, and it happened right after the man magnet makeover I did with her … I’m now in love with this incredible man, and he’s madly in love with ME. He is warm and honest. We have so much fun, (and have fabulous sex!) I’ve never felt like I’ve received true love before now. It’s so mind-boggling how all this happened, but it has, and it’s thanks to you, Lauren!
– Terry F., Chief Operations Director
Not only was the [Man Magnet] weekend an eye opener as to how I had been presenting myself in life, but it also catapulted me into being the woman I’ve always wanted to be but was afraid to try. After several epiphanies my courage grew, I felt beautiful and confident and had new knowledge of how the online dating scene works, how to keep myself safe and how to allow the men to come to me instead of me chasing them. I am out in the world now, dating and having lots of fun and in the process of becoming the woman that the kind of man I want would want. … Thank you, Lauren, for taking me by the hand and showing me my dreams can come true! You are Cupid’s angel!
– Kim

Lauren -Thank you, thank you! Your coaching got me from a first date to my honeymoon in just three months. Literally. We left for our Bermuda honeymoon on May 27, which was three months to the day of our first date. Many thanks to you for the great velocity with which I was able to classify my NEEDS versus WANTS and recognize the man of my dreams the minute I met him.
– Linda C., Dating Lovebirds Graduate
The alchemy of the whole thing was the best; I really do feel like a man magnet and can get anyone’s attention. It helped me get clear about what want and desire, everyday! Being in Lauren’s energy sparked it in me, and it’s really stuck. It turned on my romantic pilot light. It got me out of yoga clothes and into lingerie!