Heartache Prevention Question Podcast
Find out if he’s The One from Date one!
TThe “Heartache Prevention Question” Podcast Program and “Heartache Prevention Question” Training Video will show you how to read BETWEEN THE LINES, and get techniques that work exactly like Verbal Truth Serum.
As one of Lauren's Romantic Researchers, I can tell you that Lauren’s Manhandling techniques are spot on! She truly has her finger on the pulse of male/female relationships.

Get your FREE Heartache Prevention Podcast now!
Darling Gals,
Wouldn’t it be great if the men you dated came with little WARNING stickers? Well, you’re in luck, because they actually do. You just need to instantly pick up on the clues that men give you, but that most women don’t seem to pick up on, on first and second dates.Clues that say, “I’m not trustworthy. I’m not accountable. I am NEVER getting married. I’ll just wind up cheating on you, leaving you, and swiping your duvet.”
I am so not kidding!
The “Heartache Prevention Question” Podcast Program and “Heartache Prevention Question” Training Video will show you how to read BETWEEN THE LINES, and get techniques that work exactly like Verbal Truth Serum. It’ll make your date WANT to quickly reveal his romantic agenda to you over a dirty martini! And he’ll enjoy doing it, too. Now, what single gal doesn’t need that info under her garter belt?As a love coach to women around the globe, I can promise you that failing to see these red flags on first and second dates is the single biggest mistake that you can make.Luckily, all of this can be easily remedied once you know about my “manhandling secrets” that will show you how to spot HIS problems before they become YOUR problems. Or, as we refer to it here at the Institute of Romantic Research, it’s all about: “Dating Like an International Spy.”
Heartache Prevention
- How to quickly screen the WRONG men out and lure your LOVEBIRD in.
- The Secret Male Lemon Law Disclaimer. (You and every single woman need to know about this!)
- How to tell if he’s damaged goods BEFORE you kiss.
- How to predict exactly where he’ll try to steer the relationship.
- Whether his “problems” are under control, or if they’re still running the show. (Exes, custody battles, addictions, financial woes, and so on.)
- If he’s still hung up on his ex.
- How to tell if he has issues or judgments about you, your lifestyle, your core values system, or future relationship goals.
- How to predict areas of conflict that could drive a wedge between you both.
- My “manhandling secret” to spot HIS problems before they become YOUR problems, and more…
- Discover how to check out his ‘partnership potential’ from date #1!